After writing Mid march options review I would bow before the Stock market- There is no good news for the options seller as of today as nearing market expiry by 3 days left, NIFTY is zooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooming based on International "positive" news pouring across - Humans hope for best as always! Stock Market revrberate that feeling in anticipation like they neck out during low ebb times! So if one had sold 2200 call at 500+ really as of today 150 rs loss per option sold would be the case.Not all what goes up stays there. NIFTY moved up. Cheers ! Let us wait for March 26 to see whithe is my NIFY and who moved it to there!
Traders Exclusive
Here's a great new trader's resource I wanted to option traders. It's
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